A reader has prepared the PDFs on this page and kindly provided them for our collective use. Many people prefer to read articles and posts on a tablet, and also to read them in a series rather than individually.
With only one or two exceptions (e.g. the final chapter from my book NazarethGate, which deals with the founder of Christianity), each PDF below contains an entire series of from four to twenty+ posts. I have compressed the PDFs for easy download, and (at the time of writing) none is more than 1 MB in size. The dates refer to the period in which the posts were originally written/uploaded to this website.
Note: Though I have not placed a copyright notice on pages, I espouse the Creative Commons 4.0 protocol which allows free use (and secondary dissemination) provided that: (1) attribution is credited to me as author; (2) no monetary remuneration is involved (without my express permission in writing); and (3) the content is faithfully copied without deceptive or misleading intent. Given these provisos, the dissemination of portions, clips, extended excerpts, and even of whole PDFs is permitted and encouraged.—René Salm
• A New Account of Christian Origins
(28 posts, 205 pages, 12/2021–6/2022).
• Yeshu ha-Notsri as the Founder of Christianity
(15 posts, 84 pages, 5/2020–7/2020).
• In Search of the Rejected Seer
(Chapter 14 of my book NazarethGate [AAP, 12/2015]. 112 pages, 570 KB).
• The Prophet Yeshu
(12 posts, 72 pages, 7/2020–10/2020).
• The Natsarene and Hidden Gnosis
(6 posts, 54 pages, 5/2013).
• The Natsarene Religion
(8 posts, 62 pages, 1/2013–3/2013).
• The Early Bodiless Jesus
(4 posts + addendum, 34 pages, 4/2016–7/2016).
• The Detering Commentaries
(R. Salm’s reflections on “The Gnostic Meaning of the Exodus and the Beginning of the Joshua-Jesus Cult” by Dr. Hermann Detering. 38 posts, 303 pages, 4/2018–10/2018).