Yeshu ha-Notsri
★ Index of 27 posts
Jesus the rebel against Judaism
John = Jesus
• The Nazarene and Hidden Gnosis
1. Introduction
2. Noah, the first Natsarene?
3. David, Bethlehem, and the scribes
4. Ephrathath and crossing over
5. The demise of gnosticism
6. Priests vs. Levites
• The Natsarene religion
1. The “lost” prophet
2. A Buddhist connection?
3. Lost Nazorean teachings
4. Encratite spirituality
5. The name “Nazarene”
6. Secret Mark
7. “Watching” and “being awake”
8. Buddhist influence
– The early, bodiless Jesus
★ Before Jesus of Nazareth
– Mythicists, docetists, Nazoreans
– Jesus Nazoraios: Hidden Truths Revealed (David McKenna, PDF)