Deeds and Miracles and Testimony
of the Holy and All-praiseworthy Apostle and Evangelist Mark
From the codex Athonensi stauronicetae 18, s. xiii., f. 175v–189
[Note: The following headings, as supplied by F. Halkin (in French),
accompany the published Greek edition of 1969 in Analecta Bollandiana 87:346-371.–RS]
1. Prologue.
2. Mark’s youth; his knowledge of scripture.
3. His Generosity; his other virtues.
4. He Is baptized by St. Peter; his mother receives Jesus the miracle worker.
5. A disciple of John the Baptist, and then of Jesus; Mark received St. Peter freed from prison.
6. The last supper at the house of Mark. His sermon at Antioch and elsewhere.
7. He evangelizes Cyprus, where St. Paul had converted the proconsul Sergius.
8. Mark in Antioch and Jerusalem.
9. He goes to Rome with St. Peter. There he writes his gospel.
10. Departure for Alexandria. The tempest is stilled.
11. The stopover at the island of Pityusa.
12. In Alexandria, Mark converts many pagans.
13. Healing of a blind man.
14. Other healings and conversions.
15. Mark delivers Timon from the fever and resuscitates the only son of a widow.
16. His sermon.
17. Healing of a blind child.
18. Mark ordains the bishop Nicetiates, three priests and six deacons.
19. Healing of a possessed pauperesse.
20. Healing of a deaf-mute child.
21. Menodorus, phylarch of Libya, obtains the resurrection of his daughter.
22. Sermon in Marmara.
23. Healing of a mute.
24. A vision instructs Mark to leave for Alexandria.
25. The faithful want him to stay.
26. A second vision communicates that he will suffer martyrdom in Alexandria.
27. People admire the progress of Christianity.
28. Arrested by the Jews and pagans, he is brought before the governor.
29. He explains the Christian doctrine.
30. He is condemned to die.
31. His feet bound the entire day, he is thrown into prison for the night.
32. An angel comes to comfort him.
33. Once again bound to the ground, Mark dies.
34. His enemies want to burn his body; A violent storm prevents them.
35. Final invocation.