11. Jesus said: “If the world will hate you, then you will truly be my disciples. For the world has always been an enemy of the servants of God.” [XVIII:17a, p. 35]
• Cp. Jn 15:19.
12. “Is there any one among you who, perchance, cares more for his shoes than for his own son? Of course not! How much less should you think that God would abandon you even while he cares for the birds. But why speak of the birds? Even a leaf does not fall from the tree except by the will of God.” [XVIII:17b p. 35]
• Mt 6:26; cp. Lk 12:24.
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13. “The world will greatly fear you if you observe my words. For if it did not fear that it’s wickedness would be revealed, then it would not hate you. But because it fears to be exposed, it will hate you and persecute you. Therefore if you find that your words are scorned by the world do not be perturbed. Only consider how God is greater than you, yet He is so scorned by the world that His wisdom is accounted madness.” [XVIII:17b p. 35]
• (No parallel.)
14. “In your patience you will possess your soul. Therefore if one gives you a blow on one side of the face, offer him the other that he may smite it. Render not evil for evil, for so do all the worst animals. But render good for evil, and pray God for them that hate you. Fire is not extinguished with fire, but rather with water. Even so, I tell you that you will not overcome evil with evil but with good.” [XVIII:17b p. 35]
• Bdsm. Dhammapada 223:
Conquer anger by love, conquer evil by good;
Conquer greed by giving, conquer lies by truth.
• Bdsm. Dhammapada 5: Through hatred never does hatred cease;
By love alone does it end. This is an eternal law.
15. “Behold God, who causes the sun to shine on the good and the evil, and likewise the rain. So ought you to do good to all.”
[XVIII:18a p. 37] • Mt 5:45
16. “Truly I say to you that a servant studies to please his master, and he will not put on a garment that is displeasing to his master. Now, your garments are your will and your love. Be on guard, therefore, not to will or to love what is displeasing to God our Lord.” [XVIII:18a p. 37]
• (No parallel.)
17. Jesus called [his apostles] near and said to them, “What would you have from me, brethren?”
They all cried out, “Give us health!”
Jesus answered, “Ah, how wretched you are! Have you lost your reason?… Don’t you see that I am a man just like you? Call on God who created you, and He who is almighty and merciful will heal you.” [XIX:19a p. 39]
COMMENT: “Don’t you see that I am a man just like you” reflects the Ebionite/Jewish Christian view of Jesus as a “mere man” (Epiphanius). Intramural conflict over the nature of Jesus is evident already in the canonical gospels, e.g. the appearance to “Doubting” Thomas in Jn 20:24–29. The Gospel of Barnabas espouses Thomasine theology. In fact, it is clear that both the Johannine account and the GBar account above are polemical passages each attacking the other view. The time frame for these passages is probably no earlier than 100 CE.
18. And [Jesus] said to him who was cleansed, “I am not come to be served but to serve. So, go to your home and recount how much God has done for you, in order that they may know that the promises made to Abraham and his son, with the kingdom of God , are drawing nigh.” [XIX:19a p. 39]
19. Jesus went to the sea of Galilee, and having embarked in a boat, sailed to his city of Nazareth, whereupon there was a great tempest. [Jesus calms the storm in a version similar to Mt 8:23–27]… Having arrived at the city of Nazareth the seamen spread through the city all that Jesus had done… [XX:19b p. 41]
COMMENT: This striking passage locates Nazareth on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. One can immediately raise several relevant points: (1) in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus’ hometown indeed appears to be on the shore of the Sea of Galilee—namely, Capernaum; (2) in Mt 4:13 the Holy Family moves from Nazareth to Capernaum “by the sea”; (3) the putative Gospel of Marcion, as generally reconstructed, begins: “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Jesus came down to Capernaum, a city in Galilee…”