Breaking news: Senator now implies Russia hacked swing state voting machines for Trump!

Folks, it just gets crazier and crazier. This is huge. When I sat down at the computer last night I had no idea that I would hear my Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley say what he said on his recent YouTube video concerning the election. Sen. Merkley is at the cutting edge of any remaining chance the People have to contest Trump’s victory. The senator is very aware of the anomalies (that’s too nice a word) that allowed the GOP to ‘win.’ And he’s determined to find out more… The interview is transcribed below, with a few key points in bold. There’s one point, though, that I’ve put in red and bold—because if it’s true, folks, it’s out of the park… … Continue reading


We, concerned Americans, and our fellow citizens the People of the United States, have good reason to believe that the November 8, 2016 vote was illegally counted in several key states. This is based on abundant and accumulating evidence, including but not limited to: • Exit polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida differed sharply from the results. • Demonstrated signs of Russian hacking that led to a presidentially-mandated CIA investigation. • In Michigan, voting machines broke on Election Day in communities of color, and afterwards recounts were blocked by the Trump campaign and top GOP officials, despite the fact that paper ballots were not being recounted. • Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more … Continue reading

Rejecting Donald Trump’s legitimacy—Pt. 4

Things are moving fast. It’s been five days since I posted on the U.S. election. Since then, there have been two major developments: (1) the Green Party’s efforts for an accurate recount in three swing states—Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan—have been effectively thwarted by “legal” maneuvers on the part of local GOP-leaning judges. In Pennsylvania and Michigan the recount is now suspended, and in all three states forensic examination of the machines (for hacking) has been forbidden. Wow. It’s astonishing that a country that claims to be democratic does not permit an accurate count of the vote. The rationale? “There is absolutely no evidence of hacking,” stated one judge. Well, how could there be evidence of hacking if the nation is … Continue reading

Rejecting Donald Trump’s legitimacy—Pt. 3

Dr. Jill Stein’s remarks at the foot of Trump Tower, New York City on December 5, 2016, regarding the Green Party’s ongoing efforts for a reliable ballot recount [Note: The following transcript is taken from the video recorded on Monday, December 5, 2016.] By Dr. Jill Stein Green Party candidate for President of the United States We are here today to stand up for a vote that is accurate, secure, fair, and just—in which every vote counts, and every vote is counted. This, in fact, is what makes America great—the promise of democracy, and the promise of justice for all. Michigan We’re celebrating today a judicial decision last night in Michigan by Judge Mark Goldsmith, who affirmed in his decision … Continue reading

Rejecting Donald Trump’s legitimacy—Pt. 2

Opening remarks at the foot of Trump Tower, New York City on December 5, 2016,regarding the Green Party’s ongoing efforts for a reliable ballot recount [Note: The following transcript is taken from the video recorded on Monday, December 5, 2016.] By Cheri Honkala I bring you greetings from poor and homeless families across the country. Trump has filed a lawsuit in my state of Pennsylvania to stop the recount. He’s done this after he himself talked about the corrupt political system in our country. And we all know that if he hadn’t won the vote he sure would be standing here today. [In my neighborhood of Kensington] people from the Trump campaign knew that none of the immigrants, the low-income … Continue reading

Rejecting Donald Trump’s legitimacy—Pt. 1

I am temporarily suspending regular contributions to this weblog in order to give my 2¢ worth regarding the tainted election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency of the United States, an issue of such great magnitude that it requires immediate and decisive action from freedom-loving Americans everywhere. Trump’s victory is provably based on massive voter suppression in numerous states. The GOP itself even boasted of successfully engaging in such suppression during the campaign. Now, after the fact, voter suppression is the hot-button issue the GOP does not want you to know or talk about. But the cat’s out of the bag. In fact, it’s running berserk around the room… A sampling of published media regarding 2016 GOP voter suppression … Continue reading